These states have the highest taxes and lowest taxes
David Raminfard is the current president and CEO of KasLen Textiles, a leading distributor of wholesale fabrics located in Vernon, California. KasLen Textiles has rapidly gained recognition with top designers in the Los Angeles area and beyond.
Have you ever wondered which states in the USA have the highest tax rates and lowest tax rates? As the famous expression goes, location, location, location is everything. Where you live can effect you property taxes, state taxes, income taxes, and much more. Here is a list of states with the highest taxes and lowest taxes:
States with the highest personal income tax rates:
- California
- Minnesota
- Oregon
- New York
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Wisconsin
- New Jersey
- District of Columbia
- Vermont
States with the lowest personal income tax rates:
There are only seven states with no personal income tax rates.
- Florida
- Texas
- South Dakota
- Wyoming
- Washington
- Alaska
- Nevada