How to Raise Good Kids

David Raminfard
2 min readMar 10, 2021

David Raminfard is the CEO & President of KasLen Textiles, a wholesale fabric distributor located in Los Angeles, CA. David has become successful over the years and largely attributes his success to his entrepreneurial mindset.

Have you ever wondered how to raise good kids that have values of respect, trust, and kindness? You’ve come to the right place. Here are a few tips to raising good kids.

  1. Be a good role model. It is true that kids model their parent’s behavior. This means that whatever you do, your kids will copy as well. For instance, if you are a parent that uses bad language or uses bad words daily, it is more than likely that your kids will start doing the same. This is not good. For this reason, it is important that you model good behavior.
  2. Don’t expect perfection. No one is perfect. Kids are no exception. You should encourage hard work and effort, but you cannot expect perfection from kids. Praising kids for hard work leads to achievement, and kids want to keep engaging in this kind of process.
  3. Eat dinner together as a family. Yes, this is a crucial step in raising good kids. Studies show that kids who eat together at family dinner time consistently are less likely to use drugs and alcohol, are happier, and are more emotionally stable. Additionally, it is interesting to note that they are less likely to become obese or have an eating disorder.



David Raminfard

David Raminfard, president and CEO of KasLen Textiles, LLC a major distributor of fabrics to the furniture RV & upholstery industries throughout the Western US.